Monday, May 2, 2011

Case of the Mondays

I definitely had a case of the Mondays when I first woke up today.  I had three alarms set on my cell phone for 7:05am, 7:10am, and 7:15am.  This way I would make sure to get ready for school and drop my car off at the shop along the way.  I had given myself plenty of time just in case of traffic, bus delays, getting breakfast, and maybe even getting some work done before school.  However, I got to sleep at 2am last night and my phone volume was really quiet and - naturally, I missed all three alarms.

It is now 9:05am.  I woke up and started freaking out and running around like a crazy person changing as fast as I could, thinking how my day is now ruined, and feeling terrible.  However, when I ran out the door, I was on a mission and my mind just kind of released for a second.  And things went surprisingly well.

I somehow avoided traffic completely which never happens.  Then the stress of finding a place to park on the street was mitigated because there was a huge gap which also never happens at this time of day.  I was able to drop the key off and instead of waiting for a half hour, caught the earlier bus, but only because it was running late.  I was able to get my morning work done on the bus and in my office, have plenty of time to get breakfast and get to class on time.

It is funny how these things work.  I was super lucky, and I don't think I have a case of the Mondays anymore.  The only thing I really missed out on was a shower (ewww).  In fact, in the grand scheme of things, this really wasn't that big of a deal at all.

I know I'm not alone in having these moments where we just flip out over the little things.  I keep trying to stop but it is hard because frankly, I have that kind of personality.  I have gotten better over the years though - I realize this and at least reflect later that I shouldn't have gotten out of sorts as I did.  But I always try to improve anyway, and maybe in the future I can stop myself in my tracks, because negative energy for something as little as sleeping through an alarm just isn't worth it.

This attitude shift can do everyone some good, because your "bad" day might just be a good day after all.  I hope everyone has a great Monday!

PS - Will write about my knee soon.  Good progress to follow!


  1. Love this post! I'm glad your case of the Mondays turned into a positive experience :)
